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Staff Accounts

Use this to create logins for any staff members to manage and respond to your Donor Approved reviews. After you enter a name and email address instructions will be sent to create a password.

Please Note: By default, staff will only be able to access the ‘Individual Donor Reviews’ and the ‘Manage Product and Service Reviews’ tab. This will allow them to select Featured Reviews and access the Donor Care Resolution system. All other areas of the control panel will only be accessible by the owner of the account. If you want to give a staff user more permissions, select ‘Options’ next to their name once you add them into the system.

Add a Staff Account

Staff Accounts allow you to give staff access to specific areas in your control panel. If you want to change your Admin info or permissions, go to 'User Info > Account Settings'.

Account Type
Assign new staff member only to yoursite.org

Current Staff Accounts

Staff Accounts can be given access to different areas in your control panel by clicking on the 'Options' link next to their name once a staff member is added. Then you simply click on the pages that you want to give a particular staff member access to.

Staff Member

Staff Email Address

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